man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Make "Someday" Today!

There is science and art to effective goal setting. The HOT Sheet leverages proven success principles to help you craft the mindset needed to achieve ANY goal.

Learn the importance of writing down your chief goal in a way that leads to natural action and success. Finally create life priorities to support your chief goal.

Access over 125 curated resources used to coach executives and high achievers just like you.

This tool will challenge you to evaluate the obstacles and limiting beliefs that threaten your success. Build a plan for overcoming negative self-talk that seeks to sabotage your success.

Daily, weekly, and monthly actions will help you chip away at goals that are important to you.

The finished product is a 10,000-foot view of the life you desire; and an actionable plan to make your dream a reality.

All accessible for update by computer, smart device or phone.

Timeless Success Principles

"Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end.”
Napoleon Hill
Think & Grow Rich

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Proven FIRE Development Process

The HOT Sheet follows the same FIRE Development Process leveraged in High-Impact Executive Coaching:

Focused Goals: (Clarify Long-term Vision)
• What is your desired future?
• What are your hopes and dreams?

Intent vs Impact: (Evaluate current behaviors)
• What could you accomplish?
• Key values, beliefs and stories currently impact behaviors?
• What triggers and unconscious choices affect your ability to achieve intended impact?

Roadmap Success: (choose a path to your desired destination)
• Chart and implement choices to get to desired destination.

Establish Habits & Routines: (build sustainability)
• What systems and routines will help establish your new choices as permanent?

Tool For Seasoned Coaches & Group Leaders

Supercharge your program by providing guided focus on your client's most important goals.  

Like never before, you will be able to steward the value of your relationship. Value is created even if merely from gaining clarity of objectives, identifying/overcoming limiting beliefs, and, crafting a roadmap for success (complete with key actions and timelines) that lead to the client's desired new reality.

Once the client's goals are clarified, the HOT Sheet becomes a great tool for capturing client commitments in subsequent engagement sessions.

Between sessions, the HOT Sheet is a source of accountability. As goals are accomplished, the tool serves as an archive for celebration.

Whether individual or group coaching, this tool helps coaches go deeper.

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Curated Digital Resources

• Learn from mega-achievers like Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Kobe Bryant, Steve Harvey, Will Smith and Jay-Z.

• Digital content from thinkers like Sadhguru, Melody Hobson, Simon Sinek, Napoleon Hill and Daniel Goleman.

• Leverage powerful coaching tools used by the world's best and brightest executives.

• Access step-by-step eCourses to guide the development process.

• Expand awareness in goal setting, self-confidence, and how to leverage emotional intelligence.

Logical Layout

(click each image for expanded view).

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Focused Mindset

Ambitious Goals

Powerful Resources

Track Action Items

Typically Reserved For Top Clients 

Now you can have access to dynamic coaching thought-ware at a fraction of the cost of a single session.

You'll literally have high-impact executive coaching in your pocket.

Empower targeted encouragement from a friend, life-partner, mastermind or executive coach.

Whether you're looking to start a business, achieve inner-peace, pursue a prestigious workplace award, commit to finally becoming debt-free, or put structure around those New Year resolutions that seem to appear EVERY YEAR.

HOT Sheet turns your “someday goals” into reality.

A Planning Consultant might cost $150k - $200k.

A Certified Professional Coach range $40k - $60k.

College could run thousands per course. 

The HOT Sheet combines professional coaching principles with insights from professors, authors and the world's greatest thinkers.

And it can be yours for far less than the price of a single college course or coaching session.

The HOT Sheet Creator

Galen Bingham

Founder & CEO of Kiln Global Coaching

Known as The Leadership Strategist®, Galen is an accomplished Certified Executive Coach who offers insight from 30 years of operating experience as a Fortune 100 executive and  brick-and-mortar retail franchise owner.

Credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, World Coach Institute, and Beyond Emotional Intelligence.  

Holds an MBA from Rice University and leadership certifications from MIT and Northwestern University.  

Consistently sought to advise or serve on premiere non-profit boards where he provides oversight in governance, board development, CEO selection and organizational leadership.

A two-time bestselling author and has coached or consulted with over 975 senior executives, CEOs, and non-profit leaders across 7 countries.  

Host of the globally acclaimed Whiskey, Jazz, and Leadership podcast.

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